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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tutorial Flat Design Complete Guide Step by Step

Tutorial Flat Design Complete Guide Step by Step - This amazing tutorial full complete to you, and this inspiration on flat design and look design is beatiful so i am blogger indonesia i like this and i share to you. 

flat design
flat design

Featherweight UI (free)

Featherweight UI is a simple, retina-ready kit that includes a handful of sharp elements, including menus, a photo scroll, map, simple icons and scroll widgets. While the kit is not incredibly large it has an elegant style and plays up the more retro color theme often associated with flat design.

Polaris UI kit (free)

Another kit by Designmodo featuring a darker style package. This kit contains a variety of buttons and panels that mirror the look of the Windows flat user interface. While Polaris contains parts that are designed in the flat style, it also includes some elements in the skeuomorphic style.

Erste UI kit (free)

This simple UI kit contains a handful of basic elements, such as social login buttons, menus and a media player. The colors are characteristic of flat design, using a palette of primary hues.

FlatUI kit (free)

The kit designed by Freepik.com for WebdesignerDepot contains a large number of elements, from navigation to drop down menus to social sharing tools to e-commerce modules.

Flat UI (free)

This free kit from Designmodo — one of the first design groups to fully embrace the flat design trend — is a brightly-colored starting part. The kit includes hundreds of elements, including buttons, icons, color swatches and menu items.

Flat UI kit (free)

Riki Tanone’s kit of flat user interface widgets is a fun little pack containing parts that are a little more put together: a chart, media player, task wheel and counter. This is a great starter tool for imagining how to combine simpler UI parts into more complex items.

Metro UI kit (free)

The Metro UI kit is a colorful kit that embodies the concept of flat as reintroduced by the Windows phone. The colors and style are both reminiscent of the phone interface, with lots of colorful blocks and simple typography. The kit includes a calendar, stats, chart, icons, menus and search elements.

Monotone flat UI kit (free)

While using a variety of bright colors is a popular choice for many designers using flat design, monotone color palettes are equally characteristic of the trend. This UI kit by Sebastiaan Scheer includes a few simple elements and great graduations of color.

Vertical Infinity (free)

Vertical Infinity, by CSS Author, is one of the bigger free kits available and is retina-ready. The manageable kit includes everything from drop down menus to buttons to form elements to widgets and social icons. The style is basic without a lot of extras but would be easy to use in almost any application.

Flat icons

Flat-style icons are everywhere and you can grab many of these kits for free from a variety of places. This 40 social icon comprehensive social media icon 

Apple product templates (free)

Getting ready to unveil a new design and want to show it off inside of a device? The Apple template from MediaLoot is designed in the flat style, and is usable in a number of ways.

E-comerce flat web elements (free)

Although flat design has not been embraced by a large number of e-commerce sites simple sales sites could benefit from the simple buttons in this kit. From a chat module to cart and checkout buttons, this kit has enough basic elements to get started or to build on for an online retailer.

Friends list UI (free)

Create a neat and organized list with this UI PSD, designed for the iPhone interface. The coral color is quite common in flat design as is the simple sans-serif typography and icons.

Duena (free)

Made for blogs, this theme is simple and uses a bright, creamy color palette.

Fizz (free)

This responsive flat-style theme uses clean lines and bright colors on alternating dark and light backgrounds. Some of the background images are a bit textured.

Current (free)

Current is perfectly flat in every aspect of the design and is designed as a gateway page for a new product.

Attitude (free)

This simple and professional theme in the almost flat style includes more options than many other free themes.

Frontier (free)

This flat theme focuses on minimalism and includes a lot of add-ons such as banner ads and custom menus.

MetroBlog (free)

MetroBlog uses bright colors and tiling — characteristics of flat design — but also includes gradient color boxes, which make this blog theme almost flat.

Viper (free)

One of the better free e-commerce options available Viper has big, bold boxes for text and clear navigation.

SimpleCorp (free)

While this theme has some characteristics of flat design, the style is more almost flat (note the icons in particular).

BirdFlat (free)

flexible blog theme with options for color and header styles.

SympalPress (free)

This free theme is anything but simple with nice shapes, almost flat icons and vibrant color and typography.

Tetris (free)

Tetris uses simple block-styles and cards for a simple site design. The look is great for sites with great images or visuals.

Flat Color (free)

Flat UI colors (free)

Flat UI colors is a simple site that showcases the most popular hues in flat design. Flat UI Colors highlights 20 of these popular colors and allows users to get corresponding RGB or HEX values for each color with just a click. Select the color format, click on the color, and the values are saved to your clipboard.

Adobe Kuler (free)

Users of Adobe’s Kuler color palette generation tool have created a variety of striking combinations using colors representative of flat design. From brights to more muted retro shades, there are great palettes for inspiration available. With a click, each palette is editable and downloadable. Make sure to check out “Flat Color Set 4,” “Icon with Flat colors 5,” “Logo Lockups 2,” “FLAT COLORS Ui Bright,” and “Cool Tone Flat.”

ColourLovers (free)

ColourLovers users have created thousands of color combinations using flat color concepts. This list is sorted by user rating and is a place to generate inspiration if you don’t want to use the “same old flat colors.” Make sure to check out “the world is flat,” “satin ballet flats,” new york flat,” “flat,” and “flat earth therapy.” Click on any palette for color names and RBG and HEX values.

Read Full Source Tutorial Flat Design Complete Guide Step by Step 


Related : Tutorial Flat Design Complete Guide Step by Step

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